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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Appraisal + Tensen + Bingung

Waaaaa....I'm really..really...TENSION!!! usual..I always come early to office..yeah..because my brother yang hantar maa..hahaha...have to wait until 8:37 before claurence come and save the day...duiiii...

All of the staff have a card to enter the office...except me and kivin (we called him dato')...fortunately I recive my card this evening...yahooooooooo!!!...but still I can't open the door in the morning..need a key to open..but still..unfortunately...have to wait for other staff jugaklah..aiyaa..timkai...!!

Chris come late to work today..he said he want to go to clinic first..the Acer Server still got the 'annoying-blue-screen'..but already backup all the data to the new hard disk as I mention on yesterday post...

So..after Chris come..we start doing the repairing...againn...this time Chris bring his own vga card to test if the vga card is the problem...unfortunately..the vga card can't fit to the slot.. (tidak ngam la urang bilang)..i don't know la what type of slot is it...PCI? AGP?..haha..too lazy to check on internet..but..after some troubleshooting...the server can boot from win2000 pc...sia pun heran jugakla at the 1st time kan..but then..rupanya after change some settings on the BIOS..baru dapat boot from cd..cis...then..we terus Install tidak jadi hantar tu server pg Acer centre di Karamunsing (if i'm not mistaken laa..)

Now come the 'tension' part...actually I'm nervous about the 'appraisal' thing because this is my 1st time maa.....what will happen?..what's the questions?...what should I answer?...I saw other staff will enter the Big Bos turn has come...after Chris...arghh..but..luckily..Chris also come with me during the 'appraisal'.....

At 1st control handsome la skit2...duduk dengan selamber dan penuh senyuman...muahahha...but..after the big bos (mis Beh) start talking...perghh...I'm a lil bit shock..I just nod & nod..& nod...until my head can't stop nodding...muahaha...

After a few minutes of blahh..blah....bla...cing..cong..cing..cong...then she told me that she don't want me to work as a technical anymore..she said that she will ask claurence and chris to train me in 'software support' (consultant) that time..I'm very-very "stuck"...don't know what to say...duuuhhh....then I said...lebih kurang cam ni laa.."tingukla dulu apa macam..lagipun mau support software ni bukankah memerlukan pengetahuan yang mendalam dalam bidang programming"...then Chris said "'s all about how to configure and use the software only maa.."..then I said..ok la..lets try first...

So start from this december....I'll have to learn the "Hotel" software from claurence...(claurence is the super senior in that company maa..)..aiyaa...Chris said..he also asked to be as are no technician anymore????...arghh..but...I can't do anything..since this company more to software...then...this is the consequences...haha...kureng asem tull...consultant is a far a way from my specialty...aiyaa...but...I have to try first la..maybe I can be expert like claurence...huhuhu...

Hmm..that's why la sia tension sikalang...apa macam nih...jadi consultant mesti kena jumpa client sana-sini...speaking lagik..then..communication with customer pun masih kurengg lagik...aduii..tulung la pulis...whateverla....just do it...hahaha...below is some pictures I took with my phone..2Mp only..(must have one digital camera in the future..!!!)..(pictures on 13 /11/07)

-- Inside the Acer Server --

-- Inside other staff CPU --

-- The Acer Server --

-- Nah..this is the HP server which is very-super-dirty before I clean it..*sigh* --

-- Hah..look how super-dirty the cpu fan..Chris said maybe the "dusts" been there for approximately 10 years....what the.... --


Mas Light said...

lol~ i never like troubleshooting, it's too frustrating to me. *rofl. wait, everything is kinda frustrating really. anyways, congrats on the recommendation. i think it's a big stepping stone for u. dun worry about the minor minor part yet, give it a try, who knows it'll work out fine for u? all the best!

Shemah said...

That's what my CPU might look like..
Anyways, my comp keeps crashing when there are too many applications open.. what do you think is wrong with it? I'm totally "bangang" when it comes to this.

skyroptix said...

to maslight:
yeah..sometime troubleshooting bikin bingung gak laa...but form there we can lore more and more things about pc..hehe...btw..thanx for ur good advice...i'll give it a try...yeahh...thanx very much massy...^_^

skyroptix said...

to shemah:
ok shemah...what u can do is:
1- check your RAM..and ur processor speed...if u like multitasking..then I reccomend u upgrade ur RAM to 1GB...(RAM sekarang nih murah skit...but..tingukla jenis apa ek..hehe)
2- Do house keeping...defragment your hard disk once a month...use 3rd party software like CCleaner to delete any unnecessary files on your pc...
3- U can send your pc to me to check...hehe...only 20sen of charge..hahaha...kidding..

Ok...actually..if u tell me more details about your problem and give me ur pc specification...maybe I can help...hehehe...

Shemah said...

I check my comp properties.. dia bilang 1GB of RAM tu..

Memang mau hantar pi check bah ni.. tapi sebab "blogging" is my kerja, have to tunggu for my laptop, baru boleh hantar. :(