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Friday, November 30, 2007

tidak keruan...

Perghh....tak dapat nak update dalam beberapa hari ni....terlampau sibuk...wakaka...

Kelmarin jer...kerja pasal monitor jer....pegi tempat customer antar laptop...pastu dorang bilang ada monitor ambik tu monitor hantar repair...pastu sampai opis...kena bagi duit untuk bayar monitor customer lain yang sudah kena repair...pastu hantar tu monitor tadi di kedai repair monitor sana damai...pastu ambik monitor sudah kena repair untuk dihantar tempat customer di api-api....adeh...sudahlah KK jam...jalan mau pigi anjung senja kena BLOCK...abis jam segala jalan raya di dunia ini...

Hari ni hari plak...relax skit..hantar cpu kat regalmont api-api...pastu kat opis plak...kena configure Group Policy untuk IBM server tuu...adehh...dah lama tak buat...susah gak nak carik...nasib baik dorang dah buat list policy yang perlu dibuat...fuhhh..tengah hari tadi plak..makan kat city court tingkat le gegambo yang dapek diambil..

-- tengah tunggu makanan yang diorder --

-- gambar dari tingkat 2 city mall..lepas makan..d food court --

-- christmas decoration on city mall...--

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Hohoho...hari ni macam besa...kerja berlambak-lambak...pagi tadi jer pergi ambik CPU customer kat api-api....time tuh jugak bos dia cakap laptopnya ada masalah...then..we have to bring back the Cpu and Laptop to the clinic ( kat opis ler...kami ni macam doktor bagi pc-pc yang mengalami penyakit...sama cam manusia...cuma...cpu@ windows lebih mudah dirawat daripada penyakit manusia...melainkan cpu @ windows itu dah corrupt teruk tahap 9....)..

Pastu terus pegi tempat customer yang satu lagik...juga di Api-api...dekat hujung...kat sana CHris sambung balik kerja dia semalam...setting2 sket...nak activate windows tapi tak dapat..sebab pc-pc dorang nih join domain HQ dorang kat KL...jadik internet kena block...tepaksa suruh orang KL dorang tuh kasi activate sendiri guna PCAnywhere...

Besok plak Chris mula cuti 5 hari...ada final exam kat UMS...aduii...matai nokopio...tepaksa aku jadik hero plak kali ni....walaupun belum confident menghadapi masalah-masalah berat dan ganas....terpaksa menempuh halangan yang menimpa..wakakaka..

Besok kena ambik server kat tempat customer lagik...adehh...ada masalah katanyer...soo...aku pun tak tau boleh solve atau tak...try jer la dulu menggunakan kuasa yang ada...huhuh...

Berita Utama kat tv3 tadi ada menyiarkan tentang banjir dan ombak kuat yang melanda pantai barat sabah...habis rumah banjir...ombak setinggi 5 meter lebih ternyata tidak mampu dihalang oleh tembok-tembok yang dibina penduduk kawasan yang terlibat....perghh..aku ingat kami jer teruk....ada lagi lebih teruk kena...sampai roboh rumah pun ader...dahsyat sungguh kekuatan ombak neh...ombak ganas ni dijangka berterusan sehingga khamis...nasib baik...

Ok lerr...di bawah berikut merupakan gambar-gambar yang telah diambil hari sabtu lepas semasa PC FAIR anjuran SCS dan UKIT...(seperti biasa...aku masih malu menunjukkan muka sebenar...mwuahhahaa..maklumlah..tak ensem...)

-- pemandangan dari booth kamiurang --

-kelihatan projektor dan LCD...alat-alat digunakan untuk promo produk kompeni...kununler..-

-- time ni masih tak banyak orang...banyak ruang kosong dibazirkan...hmm..--

-- booth kami ni tak berapa menjadi feveret sangat...hhaha...hanya segelintir jer yang ada singgah...--

-- booth kami terletak dekat tangga...--

Monday, November 26, 2007

Download time.. relax...Chris went to CGC to do 'data migration' from old hard disk to a new hard disk...he's using the Norton Ghost 2003...but...then he called me and said that something wrong when he want to transfer the data to the SATA hard disk...he said the norton version is old and can't do the transfer to SATA hard disk...adehhh...

Me..? I never use the Norton Ghost before so I can't help Chris...*sigh...Chris said he will continue tomorrow....perghh....

Hari ni..takder banyak kerja sangat....kasi kemas skit kat technical room...HP printer kat tempat admin plak tetiber jer rosak...try repair tapi masih lagi tak dapat nak buat....haihh...sementara tu...sempat gak men'download'...wakakaka...err...orang bilang..sambil menyelam minum air??

This night...the ombak sangat kuat...jiran2 yang lain pun risau....adehh...nampaknyer terpaksalah pindah rumah kalau ini macam....huhuh..

Ni plak gambar yang diambil last week...hehe..

- makan kat city mall tingkat 3..lupa plak nama tempat tuu...-

- ini lah staff2 yang sedang kelaparan...huhuh-

- dah nak balik dah...-

- petang tu plak..hantar server client..the acer server -

-inilah tempat tu...-

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sabah PC FAIR...

Fuhh...kat bawah rumah masih banjir lagi...adehh..hari ni plak nak jaga 'booth' kompeni kat pc fair di Sabah Trade big bro plak ada pertandingan badminton kat Kolej Kejururawatan dekat Bukit Padang...terpaksaler bangun awal sket...~sigh...

Masalah banjir ni makin menjadi...tak tahu plak kenapa ombak sejak semalam semakin kuat??...mungkin sebab taufan kat Filipina kot??...hmm...jiran2 yang lain pun dah mula risau..kalau berterusan camni..boleh mendatangkan musibah...dan 'sakit kepala' memikirkan pasal banjir nih...adehh...

Hmm...disebabkan my bro tak dapat hantar terus ke STC...aku mintak ler hantar kat opis terus..nanti suruh sesaper jer yang hantar...wakakak...sampai kat opis jam 8 lebih..telampau awal...the 2nd big bos yang ada kunci gate plak datang jam 9 lebih...pergh...sakit nyer hatiku ini..time tu faridah dan Chris dah datang...kalau cenggini ler...baik coww terus dari kompeni nih...takkan nak ikut time orang2 lambat plak...apa kejadahnyer...!!

Pendekkan Ah How lah yang hantar aku..hehe...dalam perjalanan tuh singgah plak kat Asia City complex..pergi ke SPARTAN (kompeni jual printer2...kalau tak silap barang2 "points of sales"??) ambik roll paper untuk printer baru yang diambil kemarin...lepas tu terus pergi la 1st time terlibat dalam PC Fair gakla dapat pengalaman neh...

Sampai sana...orang dah ramai...masuk jer pintu utama...1st impression ingatkan meriah sangat ler...aku plak terus direct ke 'booth' kami...Abel sudah tercegat kat sana bersedia melayan orang ramai yang berkunjung...

Lepas beberapa minit berada di 'booth' kami yang tak seberapa meriah itu...aku pun pergi ler jalan2 tak sabar nak tengok Hardisk dan RAM yang murah la kunun...duit dah ambik pagi tadi...
Jalan punya jalan...aikss...laptop plak yang banyak bertempiaran di pamerkan...pastu jalan lagi...masih tak nampak HDD dan RAM...( RAM yang aku carik jenis APACER...yang banyak plak jenis Kingston)...semalam aku buat servay kat internet...harga HDD dan RAM...jadik lepas jer aku tejumpa gerai yang jual HDD 320GB...rm285..perghh...kat internet plak harga rm259 jer...memang makin mahal la pulok..ciss...kureng asemmm...tak jadik terus nak beli...pastu jalan2 lagik...takder plak yang gadget2 yang menarik perhatianku ini...terus balik ke booth/gerai kami semula dengan perasaan hampa diulit dukacita yang tidak terperi...huhuh....

Takper laa..tepaksa la tunggu PIKOM PC FAIR next week...hahaha...aku rasa kalau anjuran Pikom kali ni mesti lebih murah lagi...hehe...kepada sesiapa yang ada pergi PC FAIR hari ni..anda akan perasaan bahawa tak banyak syarikat2 yang join atau turut serta kat pc fair nih...lagipun kawasan yang digunakan kecik jer...adeh...tak sampai 3 minit...habis semua gerai di 'round'....adehh...antara kedai feveret aku yang tak ada kat sana ialah MICRON dan Digital Wise...dua2 nih biasanya offer harga murah...tapi takder plak dorang kat pc fair nih...~sighhh...

Jadik...aku pun takder la mood nak survey lagik...paling2 pun tengok2 camtu jer...aku sepatutnya jaga gerai sampai jam 1 lebih jer...tapi my bro plak habis jam 5:30...terperap la kat gerai tu bertemankan Thao (vietnamese) dan How (bos nephew)...mengantuk gak ler time menjaga tu...hmm... bro datang ambik dekat jam 6 lebih...ngantuk dan letih gak ler...nasib baik aku jaga hari ni jer...mwuahahah...time balik...pegi ambik my cousin 'Kazar' dekat mahkamah...pastu singgah karamunsing jap untuk beli makanan (RCH) dan external 3.5" Hardisk casing (my big bro suruh belikan)..pastu balik....nak rehat + relax puas2....huhuh...

Baru jer tadi lawan LOTR-BFME2 ngan si Kazar...nasib baik aku dapat defense base aku...dia guna Mordor..aku plak guna Elves...huhu...memang sengit gak ler...

Ok la...tats all....want to sleep now....*~zzzzzzzz...

Friday, November 23, 2007


**Well..I think..nak tulis dalam bahasa melayu plak ler...english pun tunggang langgang...hee

So...hari ni macam biasa...datang awal pg kerja...haih..terpaksa lagik tunggu orang yang ada kunci gate datang...baru bleh masuk kat office...

Kerja hari ni takder la banyak sangat...masih relax skit sebab big bos holiday..staff2 lain pun gembira tidak terhingga...pagi tadi ada kelam kabut skit..telupa yg hari ni ada Claurence ada training untuk orang dari Dapan Holdings...PC lum setup lagi...haha...aduii...nasib baik sempat siap sebelum orang2 tu datang...tak ramai yang training...3 orang masih ada masalah pasal subnet yang berbeza...terpaksa kabel sambung balik kat switch asal...kalau sambung kat firewall...memang tak dapat masuk kat semua pasal nephew big bos...dia punya idea ler semua ni...nak pasang itu la...ubah ini laa...kami yang sebelum ni aman dan damai...jadi kelam-kabut dan pening dengan idea2 yang dicurahkan dari kepala otaknyer itu...big bos ni plak ikut jer cakap nephew dia tu..padahal nephew (si AH How) dia tu bukan permanent staff year pg kat Australia gak...hampeh tulll...

Lunch plak pg tempat feveret...kat Bukit Padang ikut Chris...faridah ngan datuk K (kivin) pun ikut...memang kami2 jer yang kamcing skit..hehe...yang lain tak berapa sangat ler..order mee goreng ayam...tapi yang datang nasi goreng ayam..mula2 nak mintak mee goreng gak..tapi dorang Chris ngan faridah bilang ambik jer...aku pun ambik jer..kesian plak aku tengok muka pelayan tuu..hehhe...lagipun nasi tu nampak sedap gak...ambik jer ler...rm4.50...

Lepas makan citer2 lagi...memang lawak la datuk K nih...wakakaka...citer plak apalagi kalau bukan gosip opis dan benda remeh temeh....pastu singgah kat bawah yang ada jual kueh-mueh...beli ABC , pulut dan goreng pisang....kalau nak tahu...ABC kat satu tempat tu memang bleh tahan ler...sedapppp...harga rm3.50...ok ker?...

Pastu petang tuh pergi ambik printer yang di'order' kat Asia city complex ...disebabkan printer epson yang mempunyai kes misteri itu tidak dapat direpair lagi...tepaksa suggest kat client untuk beli printer yang guna COM port...harga plak rm830...perghh...printer dot matrix ni memang mahal plak...

Pastu sampai pejabat...ada satu staff tu ..Agnes (tak berapa rapat skit dengan dia neh) bawak PC dari rumah dia...dia suruh CHris check kenapa tak bleh Boot...lepas diagnostik sket...rupanya banyak virus...lepas scan guna Antivir....ada 2 ribu lebih la virus yang olang tidak pandai install anti-vilus mehh...~sigh...yang aku malas tu..kalau kena bayar takper gak...aku penat2 format (cehh...tak penat pun kalau format pc...hikhikhik...)...aduii..

Pastu 5:30 balik ler...dalam kereta my mom said..bapa ada kursus kat Seremban...besok flight from Sandakan...perghh...kalau bleh ikut kan best...tapi my mom plak yang ikut...buyuk betul ler...jadik jam 8 malam lebih tadi dorang dah jalan pegi Sandakan...mintak2 ada ler buah tangan dari seremban nanti...buah-buah lain pun ok gak....huhuhu...

Malam ni..ombak laut kuat plak..sampai naik kat bawah kolong rumah...sebelum nih tak plak sampai...habis banjir dapur kamiurang...adehh...malas ler nak citer...kalau bleh pindah rumah dengan secepat yang mungkin kan bagus...~sigh again...

Tomorrow plak..kena jaga booth kat PC fair di Sabah Trade Center...~sigh lagi...tapi takperla..bleh gak jalan2 tengok gadget2 murah kat saner...tapi aku dengar harga bukan turun...makin naik ada lerr...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

LAN game

My big bro decided to bought a new pc on tuesday after the old pc can't boot at all...he said he have a lot of things to do and he must must finished it as soon as possible...heheh

As i predicted jugakla..coz the old pc memang teruk jugak kerosakkan yang's good jugakla bcoz bro pc is "high-end'' @ canggih pc power jugakla..both our pc specs =
- Processor : Both - Pentium Core 2 Duo 2.66Ghz
- Ram : Me - 1GB , Bro - 2GB (cisss...)
- Motherboard : Both - Gigabyte ( I think it's the same model too..)
- Graphic Card : Me - Nvidia 8550 512RAM , Bro - ATI (forgot the model) 512RAM
- LCD : Me - Viewsonic 19" widescreen , Bro - Samsung 19"
- HardDisk : Me - 160GB , Bro - 250GB (cisss...)

So..this time we can play games via LAN already...hehhe...last night we installed CounterStrike Source and have a match with each other..also with my cousin Kazar (just finished his last exam paper...he's ums student laa..then stay at our home for a while before he balik to his home at lahad datu) ..

We installed LOTR-BFME 2 also but didn't have the chance to play last night..bcoz it already 12:00 a.m..tengah I pun tidurla...heheh..we'll play it tonight...yeah...i love strategy games...heheh

my work today ::--
> went to Asia City complex to send the epson printer for check..kes x-files di mana masalah sebenar tidak diketahui...sama ada masalah 'driver' , 'cabel', atau 'mainboard'
>send the client's pc ( the one for the backup )...
>jalan-jalan cari makan...

This night..ada "tournament' (lebih kurang laa) CS kat rumah..wakakak...selepas lama tidak main gak kalau dapat main balik...main guna LAN...hehee...(takder special laa...biasa jer kan..) gak compete antara satu sama lain...main tembak-tembak...wakaka...

Still don't have the chance to play LOTR-BFME2 [ Lord Of the Ring - Battle For Middle lama] this night....aiyaa...nvm la...maybe next time...
Hope can vs my cousin in Supreme Commander next time too...hahah...but..need to upgrade my RAM and HDD first...*sigh...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sent Acer Server...

Aiyyaa...sorry for the late update....this is what happen when you busy at work and don't have streamyx connection at home...heheh...

btw...these are pictures from yesterday...

-- going to Public Bank

-- epson printer...have problem with its driver...category "x-files" --

-- acer server...ready to be send --

-- win2000 server setup on client's pc --

-- view from my errr...desk --

Monday, November 19, 2007

Open Public Bank account + No Big Boss + etc

Say + abel + ah thao (vietnamese lady...we called her ah thao..) went to open an account bank in Pulic Bank ( english is bad...siau kio)...

Unforunately...ah thao can't open an account because she doesn't have a "working pass"... the bank staff said she must have a "working pass" to open an account...we call our admin and ask her about that..and the admin said...she don't know about that too...ah thao only have her passport...meybe she don't know about that too...hehe...kesian...aku pun tak tau jugak...nak buat camner....aku dan abel dapat buka akaun laaa...kena bayar rm20.00 jer..nasib baikk...huhuh... bro pc can't boot la plak...try everything already but still can't boot...I think the motherboard is 'hangkang' already..and my bro said..there was a "electric shock" (betul ker ayat aku nih...aihh...) on the that's the reason the pc 'rosak' already...actually..the pc's motherboard memang dah kurengg skit ler...i think my bro will buy a new pc or laptop soon...maybe ler...

>>some pictures on 16 / 11 / 07

-- downloading the drivers for client pc. (MSI motherboard) --

-- after send 6 Ups to repair..we "escape" to have a breakfast at lintas --

-- i call this "minum pagi" --

-- yeah..the acer server still here!! --

-- Windows 2000 setup --

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Well..nothing much to do and relax (malasnyer...)...still reading other people blogs...there are so many interesting blogs out there...some of them are malaysian people who live on the other countries...(jeles jugaklah sket..hohoho...)

Actually..I like to see other people pictures / photos too...nak tengok camner kehidupan dorang..their activities and so on...

Friday, November 16, 2007

No Mood To work anymore...aiyaaaa...

This morning...when I arrived at the office..the gate door is locked...usually the door is not locked...cis...wasting my time come early to office saja...hahha...kureng..then...I have no choice...I have to wait there until Claurence come laa..duii...if everyday like this use come early anymore laa..aiyaa...

Today...I don't have any mood to work since what happening yesterday...and this morning...hmmm..I think..I must find another place to work la if the situation is out of control and "menyakitkan hati" saja...hahaha....until then...have to be patience laa..

The Acer server is ok already.we installed all the drivers and put the data back to the hard disk...the client also give us one more pc to be as a backup..just incase if the Acer server down..this pc can replace as a backup server...(betul tak sifu Alex??..hehehe)..

So..this is my works today =
:: Format the 160GB HD to install WIN2000 Server..
:: Find all the drivers for the pc (took a long time...duiiii...)
:: Install updates for the win2000 server (also took a long time...waduhh)
:: Take some pictures...yeahh..
:: Thinking...something for nothing...

Fortunately....tomorrow is not a working can relax and read other people blogs laa...(takder kehidupan langsung...huhuh..)...and I can continue my journey on "FFVII-Dirge Of Cerebrus"...heheh...

Here are some of the pictures from yesterday...

-- old/antique sd-RAM & video cards..but still can use maa..--

-- Some old Hard disks and CD-ROM --

-- breakfast with "gardenia"(roti paun..but gone already) and "3+1 teh" --

-- No comment..(just want to waste some water..haha..) --

-- Installing the Win2000 server (rotated shoot) --

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Appraisal + Tensen + Bingung

Waaaaa....I'm really..really...TENSION!!! usual..I always come early to office..yeah..because my brother yang hantar maa..hahaha...have to wait until 8:37 before claurence come and save the day...duiiii...

All of the staff have a card to enter the office...except me and kivin (we called him dato')...fortunately I recive my card this evening...yahooooooooo!!!...but still I can't open the door in the morning..need a key to open..but still..unfortunately...have to wait for other staff jugaklah..aiyaa..timkai...!!

Chris come late to work today..he said he want to go to clinic first..the Acer Server still got the 'annoying-blue-screen'..but already backup all the data to the new hard disk as I mention on yesterday post...

So..after Chris come..we start doing the repairing...againn...this time Chris bring his own vga card to test if the vga card is the problem...unfortunately..the vga card can't fit to the slot.. (tidak ngam la urang bilang)..i don't know la what type of slot is it...PCI? AGP?..haha..too lazy to check on internet..but..after some troubleshooting...the server can boot from win2000 pc...sia pun heran jugakla at the 1st time kan..but then..rupanya after change some settings on the BIOS..baru dapat boot from cd..cis...then..we terus Install tidak jadi hantar tu server pg Acer centre di Karamunsing (if i'm not mistaken laa..)

Now come the 'tension' part...actually I'm nervous about the 'appraisal' thing because this is my 1st time maa.....what will happen?..what's the questions?...what should I answer?...I saw other staff will enter the Big Bos turn has come...after Chris...arghh..but..luckily..Chris also come with me during the 'appraisal'.....

At 1st control handsome la skit2...duduk dengan selamber dan penuh senyuman...muahahha...but..after the big bos (mis Beh) start talking...perghh...I'm a lil bit shock..I just nod & nod..& nod...until my head can't stop nodding...muahaha...

After a few minutes of blahh..blah....bla...cing..cong..cing..cong...then she told me that she don't want me to work as a technical anymore..she said that she will ask claurence and chris to train me in 'software support' (consultant) that time..I'm very-very "stuck"...don't know what to say...duuuhhh....then I said...lebih kurang cam ni laa.."tingukla dulu apa macam..lagipun mau support software ni bukankah memerlukan pengetahuan yang mendalam dalam bidang programming"...then Chris said "'s all about how to configure and use the software only maa.."..then I said..ok la..lets try first...

So start from this december....I'll have to learn the "Hotel" software from claurence...(claurence is the super senior in that company maa..)..aiyaa...Chris said..he also asked to be as are no technician anymore????...arghh..but...I can't do anything..since this company more to software...then...this is the consequences...haha...kureng asem tull...consultant is a far a way from my specialty...aiyaa...but...I have to try first la..maybe I can be expert like claurence...huhuhu...

Hmm..that's why la sia tension sikalang...apa macam nih...jadi consultant mesti kena jumpa client sana-sini...speaking lagik..then..communication with customer pun masih kurengg lagik...aduii..tulung la pulis...whateverla....just do it...hahaha...below is some pictures I took with my phone..2Mp only..(must have one digital camera in the future..!!!)..(pictures on 13 /11/07)

-- Inside the Acer Server --

-- Inside other staff CPU --

-- The Acer Server --

-- Nah..this is the HP server which is very-super-dirty before I clean it..*sigh* --

-- Hah..look how super-dirty the cpu fan..Chris said maybe the "dusts" been there for approximately 10 years....what the.... --

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The 'Asam Garam'... I'm a lil bit more busy because of the Acer server...perghh...we also kelam-kabut trying to solve the blue screen problem..but after trying bertungkus-lumus...we get very hungry..aiyaaa...oh ya..chris is MC today...that's why I have to do all the technical issue in the office...

I had to add : Thao + Claurence + Ms Beh (big bos) MAC addresses to the Monowall configuration so that they can connect to the LAN and wireless...

Today we went to eat at Taman Tun Fuad (Bukit Padang)...not at the expensive the cheaper one..hehehe...lagipun takder duit nih..the foods there are very delicious...I ordered Thai Sauce Chicken Rice (if i'm not mistaken laaa) cost me RM4.80..but believe me..its worth it...nyamm..nyammm..

My big bos told me to open a Public Bank account because she don't want to make a cheque anymore...(aiyaa...kurengg betull...terpaksa lah jugak buat nanti..) then I just answered "ok...ok...ok..." dengan selamba kodokness...wakakaka...

Today..I have to finish my appraisal form...1st time doing this makes me headache...I don't know what to answer later...ahh..don't care la..just say blaa.blaa..bla..then it will be ok...yess!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Server + Backup + Cleaning PC

Today will be the last for the U___ training...yess...then tomorrow maybe don't have much work to do... and chris try to repair an Acer's old model...the problem of the server can't boot up from hardisk, we even try to boot from Win2000 cd...but the blue screen still appear...we try everything we could...but the blue screen seem to be "keras kepala" and "degil" tidak terhingga...I forgot the error but its have to do with the motherboard...then, chris asked me to take out the Hard Disk(HDD) and backup all the data first (the important thing you must do before re-install or format a Hard Disk, especially your customer/client HDD!!)..

We already buy a new HDD as requested by the client. Hitachi 160GB 7200rpm IDE, so all the backup will be store on the new hard disk. I'm the one who have to do all that because Chris went to clinic to periksa the headache he have since yesterday...actually he want to take mc this morning but since the Server is an urgent case...he have to come looo...hehee..

My big bos,Ah How,Thao and Abel still at the exhibition in sutera (since saturday) suasana pun agak relax a lil bit and peacefull..but tomorrow diorang datang sudah pigi kerja..aiyaa..
NVM lah...just do what I have to do...

Oh also cleaned one HP's very dirty I cleaned it up with brush..fuhh...>_<...banyaknya habuk tidak terhingga...hahaha

Monday, November 12, 2007

Working on Sunday....aiyaaa...timkai!!

Well...I want to talk about yesterday.....yeah..its sunday...but..I still have to go to office to do some networking..since the Monowall already installed...then we need to configure network settings on all pc....

Chris already came when I arrived at the office...then we do some testing...cpu yang digunakan untuk Monowall diletakkan di rak server...after everything is done...we check all the pcs and laptops mac address...we'll use the Monowall to put fixed IP for all the pcs...the Mac address is required too before setting the IP address...

Walaupun kerja hari ahad..tapi best gak dapat buat kerja-kerja networking macam ni...haha..lagipun di rumah takder kerja nak buat selain main Supreme Commander (PC) dan FF VII : Dirge of Cerebrus (PS2)..hehe...

The Monowall idea is great..but I don't think other staff will like it...because..after the implementation...I notice that the Internet become slower than before...hmm..I'm not sure yet about the consequences...(betul ka tidak ni english aku nih...ishkk...mudah-mudahan dapat difahami oleh seluruh umat manusia..hahaha)

After everyhting is okay...kami pun pulang looo...hehehe...after that...went to kk for haircut..the tukang gunting make me mad!!!...i don't think he is the real tuking gunting...damn...but there's nothing I can do...


Hmm...monday...lazy in the morning to wake up..arghh..but still...I have to work...hahha..
Today the big boss not around..she have exhibiton in KK...yess...thank god...
Still configure the networking...the monowall seems to have so many problems...until now we still don't know how to connect to other subnet....hehehe...need to configure as soon as possible because there will be a training tommorrow...aiyaa...the last training for the U___ company...

Hmm...actually I'm still waiting for my SPA confirmation letter...walaupun jadik simpanan 1 tahun...tetapi at least ok lah daripada "dukacita..anda gagal" yang aku terima sebelum2 nih...hahaha....

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Saturday is working day is working day and as usual...still working with the networking and pcs problems...that's what we do here...hehe...

Me , Chris and Ah How still repairing some pcs to put at the conference room..we also still trying to configure MONOWALL application to implement it as a DHCP server..actually it's also use as a firewall...I never use this software before so just wait and see until they finished installing...

Nothing much happen today...oh ya...after half day and my brother went to took some picture...kami pergi ke tanjung aru..banyak orang berkelah kat sana..ada yang camping dan ada yang just enjoy the view while eating beramai-ramai...

3G connection at home still slow...I can't update my blog..ciss...I hope Celcom will put more effort to make their connection strong enough especially 3G....come on Celcom..."ada X...ada segalanya"??...heheh..I hope that's true....

Friday, November 9, 2007

Soi Day

The day start with soi things happens....hahaha...never mind la...don't want to talk about it is short...(that's what people say..) just enjoy your life and be happy all the time...hahaha...

At work ---

Tried to repair some old Pcs at the tehcnical room...I mean old because the pc use Pentium II and 32Mb SDRAM..u know what I's really outdated technology compare to Pentium Core 2 Duo...and the Quad Core Processor.

We also repair some UPS that not being use for a long time...then we decided to sent it for repair...kebanyakkan UPS ni masalah nya adalah bateri..jadi terpaksa hantar untuk repair kat tempat lain..

Chris and Ah How tried to install's a software to control and manage you networks...

So..that all...but today I realize that I'm very busy (or make myself busy!!)..going upstair and downstair so many makes me happy...^_^...

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Technician job....OMG!!!!...

Today..datang early skit to work...since I don't have the card to enter the building, I walk around my "lovely office" (ermmm..lovely ker??...for now...only time will tell..)...I take some pictures with my handphone...*nokia 5700 tuuuu..heheh...maybe not very sofisticated but enough for me to take picture even it's only's ok laaa....hahaha...

It was around 8:08 a.m...but no one come I hear mp3s on my phone laa...and hear Hitz.FM....suasana agak bising sedikit sebab ada tukang potong rumput di kawasan kejiranan berdekatan....cis..then I have to use my earphone to avoid that machine sound....

The road to my office...all house around this area can be describe as "mansion"
or "rumah orang kaya"...

Other staff usually come around 8:30....but Ah Law come early...he open the door with his card...yess...akhirnya dapat juga masuk..hahaha...actually I'm a lil bit rush..because I need to prepare the conference room for training...oh yeah...before that..I forget to tell that the company where I work at..(adui..peningnya nak tulis omputih nih...)..provide softwares for hotel , golf club, property management and etc...actually I don't really know about the softwares coz I work as a technical support only...tak pernah pun sentuh pasal software2 tu...hahaha....

Chris (my senior @ my Sifu) told me that we need to go to customer place (i can't tell the company name right??) to take a faulty monitor and fix the staff problem - can't install Adobe Acrobat 8.1 to his pc....

At 1st...Chris said it would not take a long time to do all that...i thought he was right....
Then we went to the customer's site...pada mulanya...Chris update the staff pc to win xp SP2...tapi...ada error time install tu...after skip another error...and finished installing...he restart the computer...and then a blue screen appear...a file is missing (biasalah...Microsoft Windows Xp...tidak akan lari dari blue screen of dignity...hahaa...i don't know what that mean!!)...then the PC start to acting like a can't boot normally...then there's only one option...format the PC...but before that we need to backup the user data we re-install the winxp (repair from winxp CD)...

To make it short....the PC problem is actually the hard disk drive..there's a bad sector on the HDD..that's why we can't do anything...even copy and paste...we already told the company HQ in KL to replace the HDD for a new one...chris communicate with Emma from the HQ with MSN...then EMMA told us to give her the HDD serial no.,computer model,cpu serial no....
After that...we have to replace the staff cpu with other cpu yang tidak digunakan...for temporary...anyway...we took about 8 hours on that customer site just to fix the problem and some other things....arghh...8 hours is $#&$#&&#...!!!....but beside that...I learn a few things from sifu Chris about the problem and gain more experiences especially in technical issues...

For other people out there...if u have problem regarding a "blue screen"...dont hesitate to tell me here...hehehe....maybe I can help..hahahahah...bahasa englishku semakin tunggang langgang...lantaklah.....^_^...(actually i want to put more pictures from today events..but since the connection are slow...i can't upload it...maybe i'll put the pictures on other post...maybeee...)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

"House Keeping" in tehcnical room... planned yesterday...Me,Chris, and Ah How do some house keeping ('s more on cleaning i think...) at the technical room where I work...

Yeah...I think it's the right time to do so coz the technical room is messy for a long time....
The technical room will be a server room...that's why we clean up everything and throw away all the things that "old" + " broken " + "damage" + "useless".....old pc ( i think we can call it "antique" already's really2 old!!!) also included...

There's also some old printers and scanner that we throw away...Ah How is in charge for the mission...then we just follow what he said..."This one...throw...this one also throw...this one buang saja loo...suda losak maa..." just follow what he said....heheh...

This is the technical room i'm talking can see the old printer there...

Better late than never...

Blog?...after surfing the internet...i found that everbody is started to blogging.....then i realize that blogging is fun and interesting....then i thought that i should start my blog I am....well...for me...blogging is the same like you write your daily life in a dairy....isn't?

Well...time has change...semuanya berubah....but thankfully a blog can be access from around the world....that's really amazing....

I think everybody know about blog already...i don't need to explain it in details.....hahah....

Well...that's all for now....i'll add some more later...^_^....