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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

picture only....'s time for 'picture only' everybuddies....

- Client's IBM UPS / APC...very the heavy one lor..aiyaa..-

- Client's tanjung Aru...-

- Also at tanjung-

Monday, January 28, 2008

WIn 98...why big company still use it?... went to our client at menara jubilee...lets call them SG...this SG company is..i think..agak big jugak la...they handle property maa...mesti a lil bit rich jugak kan...but...I still don't know why they still not upgrade their OS to Vista or at least XP?...There's only one Win Xp..2 Win 2000 Server...and the rest is using Win they have will took a long time solve 98 have a lot of bugs and some 'annoying' issues...always 'pening' la with this win 98 problem...

Actaully...there's also our client that still using win 98 laa...aiyaa...for can considered 'antique' or 'ancient' Xp is not that expensive...err...the license expensive la kot...but still affordable maa..

Hmm...don't know what to say laa..what can I do??...ekekek...I just hope that one day they will upgrade their OS la....pleasee laa...untuk kesejahteraan seluruh dunia...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Recently..there's something wrong with our streamyx connection...or maybe it's because of the 'Monowall' that mr.How implemented....alalal...

Connection problem can cause headache especially for IT is very important...without email...they can't run their business....hehhe...maybe lah...

So, there should be 2 main reason why this happened (in my opis la)...
1. Streamyx down?
2. The Monowall (Firewall Software) is corrupted or can't function properly..??

The other staff also 'susah hati' when the connection down..because...they can't download their stuff and chatting with YM lorr....ekekek...including me la..aiya...hopefully...tomorrow will be ok la...

Monday, January 21, 2008

email problem is everywhere....

Waaa....recently....i mean...since last week...have some problem about the company e-mail of our client also have e-mail problem....aiyaa...

It seems that the exchange server at HQ KL is the problem lor...server down...or something happened?...don't really know laa...the customer plak....they can send email but can't recieve...??...waaa....I also don't know la this problem...actually...i'm not very expert in microsoft outlook and microsoft outlook express....but...semua orang di dunia guna this software woo...aduiii...

So..tomorrow..have to go to the customer site la to solve their problem...hmm...

Friday, January 18, 2008

another ' Pictures Only '....

Well..i's time for picture only...hehee..

- view from client's office at menara jubilee -

- also from menara jubilee -

- likas square..big bos house punya tempat laa..-

- yesterday...'black pepper chicken chop..nyummm..nyumm -

- chocolate ice cream...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

farewell for chris...

This morning...have to go to Yayasan Sabah to solve some users problems...actually it's not some...i think it's a lot of problem laa...

Actually....staff di sana tu ada masalah mau guna software 'Kaizen' to handle human resource data and so on laa....the thing new sifu ( not really sifu la..) mr.How don't really familiar with that software yet bah...(me..of course la don't know...ekeke..)....tapi banyak betul masalah dorang sana...aduiii...the person in charge is in Labuan right't do anything laa....we just find out what the users problems and try to find out the best sollution laa...

This afternoon plak...ada makan2 untuk farewell si and datang lambat sket...makan at Clerence Home Grill...aiyoo..western food woo...antam jak laa...when we arrived there...the other staff sudah habis makan loo...oh sempat ambik his gilpren too....very 'liang moi' wooo...originally from China...can't speak malay at all...

So...kami 3 pun start la order makanan...aiya...paling cheap pun order la 'black pepper chicken chop'....because that's the only menu yang I familiar with ba...don't want to try the other menu coz takut tidak sedap....wakakaka....

So...after that..semua pulang balik opis lorr...sampai jer opis...need to activate win Xp lagik....aduii...activating windows Xp is the only thing I don't like to do lor...need to telephone Microsoft to explain this and the end...terpaksa suru yang make the call looo...ekeke...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

the day without 'Chris'..anymore...

Start from today....there will be no more Chris....waaa...>"<

My sifu sudah resign loo...aiyaa...yesterday was his last day....I thought that Chris masih lagi bertahan for another few months...but...luckily..dia dapat kerja baru sudah...aiyaaa...timkaiii...

Hmm...susahla ini macam...teda suda tempat untuk belajar.....ekeke...I learned so many things from Chris pc...troubleshooting...networking stuff...and many this...terpaksa la belajar sendiri....ekeke...tu big bos pun lambat betul ambik pekerja baru...because...end of this month...ada 2 staff lagi resign...maybe...the next month...ada lagi...waa..teruk betul la ini macam...

This is what happened when you work with IT company....that's what they said la...I don't know..but..the thing is...yang bikin masalah tu...the company punya management kan lintang pukang ba...then...the big bos tidak peduli pasal kebajikan pekerja...asyik mengejar 'duit' jer...memang semua staff pun blame the big bos...yang aku dengar ada banyak gak staff terdahulu yang bergaduh ngan big bos nih...bulan november lepas..the kompeni punya driver bergaduh jugak...depan pekerja lain plak tuu...then the driver said ... 'you failed as a manager..!!'...lebih kuranglaaa...aduiiii...

So..that's antara story pasal my kompeni kaa...??

Sunday, January 13, 2008


So...long time tak update...ekekek...

So busy la last week...don't have much time to update my blog loo...last week...busy to tidy up all the mess in the and jer yang struggle to do all the things...last week jugak...akhirnya..Chris pun resign gak...setelah berjaya dalam temuduga dia hari sabtu lepas...aduiii...makin kosong la opis nih...takder lagi sifu aku...waaaaaa.....> " <

Hmm...besok last day si Chris...dia dapat offer bagus gak dari kompeni yang dia pg interview tu..lagipun dah lama nak ni lebih kurang 4 staff la resign...waakakak...kebanyakkannya tulang belakang company...aduiii...soo...can't do anything lorr...only time will tell!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

RJ-45 + Cat 5 + Switch + UPS + PC = Buzy to da max...

Waa...since yesterday many work to do laa...aduiii...

Buat network kabel...pasang kepala rj45...hantar ups..angkat PC...pindah meja...waaa...very the penat to da max la.....

Friday, January 4, 2008

4th day already laa... is the 4th day in 2008...very fast laa masa berlalu...aduiii...

Last, my mom and my father went to buy a new computer table at karamunsing...err...if i'm not wrong la kan...nama kedai tu 'kinabalu furniture' (lebih kurang la)..there's not many choice to choose la...actually i'm looking for a simple one...and not so heavy...

After thinking for a long time to make a decision...(my mom pun marah suda...because talampau lambat buat keputusan..hehe)....then we decided to buy the one that look like this (lebih kuranglaa..) :

Almost like on that picture laa...belum sempat ambik gambar semalam...maybe later la i put in this blog...

So...for you who want to buy a new computer table...make sure you know what u want...what size you want...if you choose the table yang pasang sendiri...pastikan anda tahu memasang meja tersebut!!...because..sometimes...the image and instruction given is hard to understand!!...and some of them is too simple for people yang tak tahu memasang benda-benda macam ni...soo...think wisely before you buy...think about ; the design..the color...the weight...the it suitable for your pc (including speaker , printer , scanner, and other device...kalau ada laa) it it easy to it 'tahan lama'...and is it worth it??

Btw...choose wisely and ask for people opinions...maybe your friends or your family can help you to choose the better one...

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Tahun Baru pun menjelma...

Kepada pembaca blog aku yang setia (kalau ada la kan..ekeke)...

Disini aku ingin mengucapkan selamat tahun baru kepada anda sekalian..diharap agar tahun 2008 membawa lebih seribu makna untuk kita semua....mesti ada azam baru dan misi2 yang baru untuk dicapai tahun ni...semoga kiter semua dapat mencapai matlamat masing2 tahun ni ek...ok...ganbatte!!...chayo'...chayo'...wakakaa..