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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

semakin bingung...

Alooo...wassup... i'm a little bit angry when everybody come late to work...arghh...because I have to stay outside until someone coming and open the gate...~sigh....I know...I told about this before...but..this is make me sick...kesabaran pun ada the end..apa boleh buat laa..sapa suru aku datang awal...wakakaka...tapi that doesn't mean they can come late too...jadi...this morning takder mood nak kerja sangat...

Beside my angry...i'm also hungry...aduii...starving....need some food!!!...Adehh...pagi tadi masih install win98 SE untuk customer...mouse tak dapat detect la pulak..kurengg...terpaksa re-format the hardisk because the windows is corrupted...

Semakin bingung...that's what happened to me right now...still dunno...nak resign ke tak...hehe...because Chris telah disuruh untuk jadik Support / consultant....takkan tinggal aku sorang2 jadi Technician??...giler aper...i still need Chris to guide me to solve problems and so on...bukan tak lack of experiences la yang menjadi penghalang...hehe...there's to many things I've to learn...including my english...hahah...because most of the customers & clients communicate in english...even I can speak in malay with them..but...rasa macam kureng skit mana ni??...nak resign ke tak...??? very difficult to decide laa...arghh...