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Friday, January 4, 2008

4th day already laa... is the 4th day in 2008...very fast laa masa berlalu...aduiii...

Last, my mom and my father went to buy a new computer table at karamunsing...err...if i'm not wrong la kan...nama kedai tu 'kinabalu furniture' (lebih kurang la)..there's not many choice to choose la...actually i'm looking for a simple one...and not so heavy...

After thinking for a long time to make a decision...(my mom pun marah suda...because talampau lambat buat keputusan..hehe)....then we decided to buy the one that look like this (lebih kuranglaa..) :

Almost like on that picture laa...belum sempat ambik gambar semalam...maybe later la i put in this blog...

So...for you who want to buy a new computer table...make sure you know what u want...what size you want...if you choose the table yang pasang sendiri...pastikan anda tahu memasang meja tersebut!!...because..sometimes...the image and instruction given is hard to understand!!...and some of them is too simple for people yang tak tahu memasang benda-benda macam ni...soo...think wisely before you buy...think about ; the design..the color...the weight...the it suitable for your pc (including speaker , printer , scanner, and other device...kalau ada laa) it it easy to it 'tahan lama'...and is it worth it??

Btw...choose wisely and ask for people opinions...maybe your friends or your family can help you to choose the better one...